Stress – It’s impossible to eliminate, but you can definitely learn to cope with it. There are many well-known coping techniques, but exercise is the one that is most often recommended by health care professionals. The physical benefits of exercise have long been established and doctors have always encouraged staying physically active.
Physical activity isn’t limited to going for a run or hitting the gym (even though these are great ways to de-stress), it can also be an active hobby and something that you enjoy. If the gym isn’t your thing, give a new sport a go and find what’s right for you.
At Bridgewater Resources we certainly think it’s important to combine exercise with a bit of fun. Recently some of our team took a trip to Go Ape to get active and let off a bit of steam. This was a great way to get out of the office, do some exercise and have a good time together as a team.
Studies show that exercise is very effective at reducing fatigue, improving alertness, decreasing overall levels of tension and even improving sleep and self-esteem. Even five minutes of aerobic exercise can stimulate anti-anxiety effects and reduce stress levels, so why not get active, have fun and reduce your stress levels all in one!