Jade has documented her week as a Consultant, giving an insight into her daily activities and what it is like to work for Bridgewater Resources UK. Here is what she got up to:
While Mondays may be miserable for some, I’m always excited to see what a new week will bring. Today I wonder who I’ll meet this week, will I place someone in their dream job and what new assignment will I be able to get stuck into.
- I start today like every Monday, with a good action plan, because this is the key to success in recruitment. I review where I’m at with my roles, what my clients want and ultimately where I will find my perfect candidates. I’m feeling very positive about this week!
- I review the new applications from the weekend and seek stand-out candidates. It’s a bit of a slow start this morning, but I soon get a familiar buzz when I speak to a candidate over the phone who I know will make a great match for the role. I’m really happy with them so I arrange an interview and can’t wait to meet face-to-face towards the end of the week.
- My great start continues when I find out that my client is really keen on a candidate that I interviewed the week before. I’m glad that they like them because this person is a great candidate. The client is looking forward to meeting them and I know that I’ve helped the candidate get one step closer to their perfect job.
It’s Tuesday and I’m already out on the road, with two client meetings to attend alongside the CEO of Bridgewater Group. I always feel proud when representing our company and our unique recruitment ethos.
- We journey down from our Head Office in my company car, travelling in comfort and style.
- The first meeting is with a large group of nationwide businesses that we have a really strong long-lasting relationship with. It’s great to visit one of their locations and I even got to catch up with a candidate that I placed there. I always love hearing about how my candidates are getting on in their careers and this particular one had clearly made a big impact on the company, despite only being there for a couple of months!
The second company we visit is a new acquisition of the larger group. Bridgewater had been recommended to them and I was really looking forward to learning all about their business and how I could help. We take a tour of the location to get an understanding of the company culture, team and environment because we need to find the right people to grow and make a big impact on this business.
- After two really positive meetings, I can’t wait to get back in the office tomorrow and start advertising the exciting new opportunities. It’s a big responsibility to find our clients the right person, but I’m ready for the challenge.
The first two days seem to have flown by and it’s mid week already! I’ve got lots of new applications to go through, phone calls to make and interviews to arrange.
- It’s a day for celebration in our Head Office! We enjoy a lunch of pizza and Prosecco to celebrate one of our fellow Consultant’s birthdays. We attempt to sing Happy Birthday, with some interesting and probably unintentional harmonies… Here at Bridgewater we do not do things by halves!
- I’m really happy to find out that my client would like to offer one of my candidates a role. I love breaking the news to the candidate on the phone, they sound really excited! They also say how grateful they are for all my help and I’m really pleased for them.
It’s Thursday and I have to prepare for my trip tomorrow, where I will be carrying out initial face-to-face interviews on behalf of my client.
- I ensure that I have already conducted telephone interviews with the candidates that I want to meet the following day. I only arrange to meet candidates that I really think have the right skills and attributes for the role, but it’s also important for me to feel that the role matches the candidate’s aspirations.
- I’ve got some really great candidates lined up this week so I’m definitely looking forward to my trip!
I enjoy Fridays, not because it’s nearly the weekend, but because I often have trips where I get to meet new candidates. This is definitely one of my favourite parts of the job because it’s a social and exciting day.
- This week I’m off to Hull to meet the candidates that have impressed so far.
- Using a structured interview process and psychometric tests, I assess whether the candidates’ skills and motivations match with what our clients are looking for. I love building relationships with candidates, relating to their needs and introducing them to fantastic opportunities where I know they can progress and have a really successful and fulfilling career.
- I know which candidates are right for the role and who I can guide through the recruitment process. Not every candidate is right for the opportunity and likewise the opportunity might not be right for them, so it’s important that I spot this.
At the end of a busy week, I’m ready for the weekend, but I’m also looking forward to next week. I want to know what the client thinks of the candidates I put forward to them on Friday, I want to continue to meet new candidates and I want to see who is going to be offered their dream job next.
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