How Recruitment Companies Can Help You Find a Job

The majority of employers do not have in-house HR teams that can manage the company’s recruitment because hiring new staff is a BIG job in itself! Instead, they pass their vacancies on to recruitment companies who will advertise and help find candidates on the employer’s behalf. Recruitment companies, therefore, have a lot of good opportunities to offer on their websites and they can help job hunters find and secure their next role.

Recruitment companies want to help

Recruitment companies do not make any money unless they actually get people into jobs. It is therefore in their best interest to work with you through the whole recruitment process towards the end goal of a job offer. They really want you to land that job!

This may lead you to question whether recruiters have your best interests at heart, or whether they are just trying to get you into any job that they have on file so that they can make a profit. While we cannot speak for all recruitment companies on this matter, here at Bridgewater we always aim to ensure that a role is the right fit for a candidate and vice versa.

They know a lot about the company you are interviewing for

Good recruiters know their clients’ businesses really well and, therefore, recognise exactly what kind of people and experience would be a great fit for those businesses. Once they put you forward for an interview with their client, they will be able to pass on all this inside knowledge and advice to you, enabling you to be fully prepared and feeling confident.

They are CV and interview experts

Recruiters see a lot of CVs and they know what it takes to be successful at interview, so you should be able to get some great information and advice from them. If you are unsuccessful in an application with a recruitment company you can request feedback that will help you up your game next time. You should also look to explore recruiter blogs and follow recruitment companies on social media as they are likely to post a lot of advice that could really propel your job search.

Ultimately, when you are looking for a new job you have a shared goal with recruiters. Find the ones that are right for what you are looking for, check out their reviews and then work with them to take the next step in your career.

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