What makes you successful at work? Knowledge? A good work ethic? Productivity? Yes, all of these things are important, but what is often overlooked and underestimated is how you behave in the workplace. Although WHAT you do at work is essential, so too is WHO you are at work.
There are two great ways to understand how you work and the image you put across to others in a professional environment: DISC profiling and emotional intelligence. In fact, prospective employers may also administer tests to assess you in these areas to see how suited you are to their team or to the role.
Knowing about you and how you work is a vital aspect of your professional intelligence and will allow you to steer your way to career success. Start learning and discovering now, in order to be the best you can be.
Your DISC Profiling
DISC profiling is more than just a personality test. It can give a real understanding of someone’s personal profile and not only how they will behave at work, but how they want to behave at work.
The DISC acronym comes from the four different profiles that people fall within: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance. When done officially and professionally, a DISC assessment will deliver detailed results about an individual’s behaviour, strengths, weaknesses and what sort of work they would be suitable for.
For your benefit, here is a quick breakdown of all four profiles. See if you can work out which is your most accurate match. You are likely to fall into two of these categories.
D (Dominance)
These a few traits of someone with a ‘D’ profile:
Talks quickly and frankly
Is very focused on their individual accomplishments
Seeks positions of leadership
Can be impatient
Likes goals and targets
Has a firm handshake and strong body language
I (Influence)
These are a few traits of someone with an ‘I’ profile:
Likes to be sociable, flamboyant and is very talkative
Is energetic and optimistic
Can be more focused on people than on tasks
Dislikes routine
Likes rewards and recognition
Fears rejection
S (Steadiness)
These are a few traits of someone with an ‘S’ profile:
Is consistent and likes stability
Likes to help others
Is a good listener
Dislikes change
Has very close relationships with family and a few friends
Likes structure and routine
C (Compliance)
These are a few traits of someone with a ‘C’ profile:
Is a critical thinker and a perfectionist
Often prefers to work alone and can be quite private
Likes systems and guidelines
Dislikes conflict, but will defend themselves if they believe they are right
Is very concerned with logic and fact
Follows the rules
Your Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is how we deal with our own emotions and those of the people around us. It affects the way you behave with your colleagues, the relationships you build at work and how influential you are.
People who are emotionally intelligent tend to be more open, empathetic, intuitive and inquisitive. There are also many recent studies that suggest that the most successful people tend to have higher emotional intelligence.
Once you have an understanding of your emotional intelligence, if you wish to develop or improve it, there are simple ways to do so. Everything from paying attention to your body language, and that of others, trying to be more empathetic and trying to consciously decide on your reactions to situations will all help. However, it all begins with self-awareness; really focus on your emotions and reactions to try to identify and implement any changes you would like to make.
Find out how emotionally intelligent you are by taking this free online quiz.
Overall, the DISC profiling system and exploring your emotional intelligence are great ways for you to develop a greater understanding of yourself and your working behaviours – the more you know about you, the better you can be and the more successful you will become.
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