EQ Test (Emotional Intelligence Test): Take Here for Free

There’s a new measure for intelligence on the scene and it may even be more important than having a high IQ! Emotional intelligence is jumping onto the radars of forward-thinking CEOs and recruitment leaders. Why? Because it affects everyone, both in terms of our personal and professional success.

Emotions are complicated. No matter what we may think, the majority of us are actually unable to identify what our emotions are at the time they are happening. We often let our emotions control us and it’s hard to manage them, especially when they are heightened.

Emotional intelligence is all to do with understanding both your emotions and those of the people around you. Researchers have found that people with high emotional intelligence are able to effectively manage their emotions, recognise specific emotions in others and react to them accordingly.

The good news is that unlike your IQ, emotional intelligence is a skill that you can learn and develop.

So move aside IQ tests! Take the EQ test we have created below to see how emotionally intelligent you are right now and how you may be able to develop and improve for the future.

Emotional Intelligence Test

Improving your Emotional Intelligence

Whatever score you get, there’s always room for improvement! Are there certain areas that you can identify as weaker than others? Think about the following core elements and discover how to focus on improving them:

1. Self-awareness: Understanding your own emotions

It sounds obvious, but make a conscious effort to think about your emotions and to be more aware of them.

2. Self-management: Regulating your emotions to ensure that you act in the most positive way

When your emotions are high you need to take a pause. Take the time to properly breathe and think before making your next move.

3. Social awareness: Understanding the emotions of others

Watch others. Not in a creepy stalker way… you just need to be more observant when it comes to people’s body language and the situation that they are in. Always listen carefully and you may start to uncover things that you would never have seen before.

4. Relationship management: How you manage your interactions based on all of the above

This one is more tricky, but start by trying to be open to people. You need to work on building trust and being considerate of people’s feelings. Show people that you care and your relationships will be able to flourish.

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