Unhappy at Work? Here’s What to Do About It

We all have the occasional down day at work – when you’re stressed about meeting a deadline, a colleague’s mistake has a negative impact on you, your boss is in a foul mood, or when things just don’t seem to go your way. This is perfectly normal, however, if you’re finding yourself feeling unhappy at work more often than not, then you need to take action!

Feeling unhappy at work makes us less productive, less healthy and therefore generally less successful. Do you like feeling miserable? We’re guessing you don’t, so it’s important that you do not let yourself get stuck in a daily routine of misery (it’s surprising how many people do). To avoid this, you need to pinpoint the reasons for your unhappiness at work.

We see numerous people every week who are unhappy in their current jobs and want a new challenge. There are a number of common reasons why:

1. Salary

Many people feel that they are not paid enough for the hard work and effort that they put in.

2. The Work

Unfortunately, many people just aren’t in the right jobs for them. Different personalities match very different job roles and when you’re in the wrong role you just aren’t going to get enough stimulation or satisfaction from your work.

Do you know what roles your personality suits? Take our Career Personality Test to find out.

3. Colleagues

Who you work with and for can have a big impact on your happiness at work. You should be working with people who you respect, can learn from and generally get along with.

4. Progression

Do you feel like you are going nowhere with your current company? If you want to work your way up the career ladder then you need to know what your next step looks like and how you are going to make it.

5. Stability

Perhaps your company isn’t doing great, or you suspect you may be in danger of being let go. If any aspect of your job feels unreliable it is naturally going to make you feel stressed and unhappy at work.

6. Flexibility

Do you want more autonomy in you work? Perhaps you are restrained by rigid procedures or simply want to be able to have a more flexible schedule?
Once you have identified the reason/s why you are unhappy at work, it’s time to do something about it.

Make a positive change

Think about what changes you can make to feel happier at work. Is your situation fixable? If it is, try having an open discussion with your Manager and see whether things improve.

Find a new job

If you are consistently unhappy at work and can’t see how the situation is going to get any better then it’s definitely time to start looking for a new job. It can be a challenge and it can be scary if you don’t like too much change, but it will be worth it in the long run.

Don’t settle for a mediocre role that makes you unhappy and hinders your success. There is something better out there for you!

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