Bridgewater’s Training Academy Celebrates 4 Graduations

Four of our employees have recently completed their Bridgewater Training Academy program.

Darcey, Melissa, Michael and Tom all joined our team back in September/October of last year. Since then, they have been working through our tailored training program and have emerged the other side with improved skills and new knowledge.

Our Talent Development Manager, Sophie Finlay, has been working closely with all four of our graduates and said, “I am so proud of our Bridgewater Training Academy graduates, 6 months have flown by but looking back it is incredible to see how much they have grown professionally. I look forward to seeing their continued success with Bridgewater.”

Consultants Training Program

Darcey, Michael and Tom have been working through our Consultants training program. In this program, their first few weeks are spent learning about the business systems in place so they have a solid understanding of how the business work before building their skills as recruiters. They are also initially introduced to the Bridgewater Employee Handbook.

Following this, they move on to the recruitment process itself – assessing candidate applications, telephone and face-to-face interview skills. They also learn all about who our clients are and what they are looking for in candidates. As they grow their skills as a recruiter, they learn how to maintain and build relationships with our clients and how to delegate and work with a dedicated Assistant who supports them.

There is a focus on their professional development throughout the Training Academy and beyond, with training session topics including building rapport, how to influence people, professional business correspondence, self-motivation and positivity, emotional intelligence, administering and understanding candidate assessments.

By month six they should be making a significant impact on the business. They should also be well on their way to earning their own company car.

Business Systems Training Program

As a Business Administrator, Melissa’s training has focused on the business systems, procedures and administration practices in place. Working closely with the Bridgewater Employee Handbook, she has developed a thorough understanding of how the company works, how to provide support to a team of Consultants and how to manage her specialised area (we felt Melissa’s strengths were in Marketing so she has specialised in this area – offering support to our Marketing Coordinator and managing the company’s job advertising).

Melissa has also attended the professional development training workshops above.

We wish all of our Bridgewater Training Academy graduates the best of luck and are looking forward to seeing them make an impact on our business.


If you’re interested in finding out more about Bridgewater and joining our team, take a look at our Work for Us page.

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