A Week in the Life of a Bridgewater Senior Business Coordinator

Ria has documented her working week as a Senior Business Coordinator. Here’s what she gets up to:


I start the day by preparing Bridgewater CVs – this is where I format our candidates’ CVs in a way that makes it easy for our clients to read. I have a few updates to send to candidates as well. We keep candidates updated on the status of their applications regularly.

Next, I send out new invoices to clients and reminders for outstanding invoices. It’s very important that these are accurate so I have to really focus when carrying out tasks like this. I work closely with our CEO to ensure that invoices are sent out and payment is received on time.

One of my many responsibilities is the management of the office supplies. I always do a stock take on Monday afternoons so that I can restock in the morning.

My Consultants have successfully booked a number of interviews throughout the day, so I send interview confirmations so that candidates have all the information they need.


Every Tuesday morning I go shopping for kitchen supplies. I enjoy trying to find the best products for the office – we have a wide selection of drinks and a charity snack box!

Once I’m back in the office, I create an advert spreadsheet for my Consultants that shows them what adverts they currently have posted online and which ones have expired. I also have a few adverts to post online for one of my Consultants, Danielle. I post adverts every week to online job boards such as Reed, CV-Library and TotalJobs. We use a specialist recruitment software to post jobs, so I only need to upload each job once and it will be posted on lots of websites!

Next, our CEO has asked me to create a report for one of our clients documenting all the placements we have made with them. Any work I do for clients is a big responsibility as everything has to be accurate and well-presented. I need to keep up Bridgewater’s excellent reputation!

My Consultant Dan has interviews in Reading tomorrow so I put together an interview folder for him that contains all the forms and information he needs.

I have a few candidate update emails to send at the end of the day before wrapping up.


The first job of the day is updating the Bridgewater database. Our database is very important as it’s where we document all of our clients, client contacts, candidates and job opportunities. After interviews, I add all of our candidate documents and consultant notes to the database so that they can be referred to easily.

Next, I take part in a training session run by our Talent Development Manager, Sophie. Today’s session is ‘Why you need a vision’ and we consider our vision for the business and for our individual careers. I enjoy the session and I definitely feel like I’ve had a motivation boost!

2 of my Consultants have had job offers today so I have some offer confirmation emails to send! Job offers put everyone in a great mood and it’s nice to have seen the candidate make it through the entire process.

Finally, I have some PPAs (Personality Profile Analysis) to process. I really enjoy doing this as the results uncover different personality profiles that give you an interesting insight into the candidates we work with.


I’ve got some more work to do with updating information on our database this morning. The good news is I manage to clear my huge top tray over these past two days which feels great!

Then I have some training on expenses as we have just moved over to a fancy new accounts software. Once everything is up and running smoothly, I’ll be taking on the responsibility of adding and checking my Consultants’ expenses.

We’ve been invited to free lunch at The Griffin (the pub across the road) today! It’s great to have lunch with the team as we all get on really well and the food was delicious!

The afternoon is spent getting all of my Consultants’ job adverts posted online. Accuracy is very important in this task as any errors could have an impact on our application numbers. I’m hoping these new adverts attract some great candidates!


It’s continental breakfast morning in the office which happens once a month and we’ve also started music Fridays today, so it’s a good day!

My consultant, Dan is back in the office after 2 days out conducting interviews which means I have lots of Bridgewater CVs to do! I like this task because I feel that I’m really contributing to the success of the business. Making the CVs clear and easy to navigate for clients means that more candidates are invited to interviews with them.

I have some updates to send to candidates and some documents (copies of passports, registration forms, etc.) to chase up. Keeping candidates in the loop is important, they are clear about what the next steps are and stick with us throughout the process.

I have a few consultant notes to add to applications on our online system before wrapping up for the weekend.

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