Our template CV is the perfect starting point for you to create an effective CV that will get you noticed.
Knowing where to begin is often the hardest part of writing your CV which is why we have created a well-formatted CV template with clear instructions on what you should include in each section.
Click to Download our Template CV
Once you have tailored our template CV to your personal details and experience, be sure to double-check that you have changed every section and removed any additional text. We always recommend that you ask a friend or family member to read through your CV before submitting it to employers. They will be able to spot any errors that you may have missed.
TOP TIP: When your CV is ready to go, be sure to upload it to CV-Library! This way employers will be able to get in touch with you about any relevant opportunities.
For more advice on perfecting your CV, we recommend that you take a look at some of the following articles.
8 Common CV Mistakes that you Need to Avoid
CV Formatting Faux Pas: What to Avoid
CV Format – How to Score with Your Job Application
How to Create a Great Graduate CV
Once you’re CV is ready, you can get stuck into your job search. We can help you with that as well:
Become a Job Search Expert in 7 Steps
Following Up On Job Applications – Our Top Tips
How to Beat the Job Search Blues
How to Write a Covering Letter: Everything You Need to Know
Where to Look for Jobs – Our Top Tips
6 Ways You Can Find a Job on Social Media
Good luck!
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