What To Do After Accepting a Job Offer

So you’ve got a job offer, congratulations! After sharing your good news with family, friends and maybe your entire social network you can relax in with the knowledge that the hard work is over, right? Or maybe not…

Rather than twiddling your thumbs in the countdown to your start date, you could have a think about how you can be preparing for your new role. If you want to make a great impression on your co-workers and new boss, here’s some points to consider:

Refresh your knowledge

You want to know your stuff, so you could spend some time either refreshing your knowledge or getting to know and understand the industry that you are entering into. You may also want to go over what you know about the company itself by looking back through the research you did before your interview.

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Check out your colleagues (but not in a creepy way…)

This is easier to do with small/medium-sized companies, but you may be able to do some digging into larger ones too. See if there is a team section on the company website that you can check out, or alternatively you could visit the company’s page on LinkedIn where their employee profiles will be listed. This will help you out on your first day, having already matched some names to faces and giving you a general idea of what people do in the company.

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Prepare your work wardrobe

You want to ensure that you look the part on your first day. Make sure you know what the company dress code is and prepare accordingly.

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Is there anything else you need?

Other things that you may need will completely depend on your role, so give it some thought. If you’re heading into an office job then you may want to take a notepad and pen, for example.

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Ok, so you are allowed to just relax in the days running up to your new job. Give yourself time to de-stress and clear your mind, before jumping into a new role feeling fresh and ready to make a difference!

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