If you have been made redundant recently, don’t despair. There’s plenty you can do to overcome the challenges facing you and to position yourself to find new employment. Here’s what we recommend:
When you have commitments and bills to pay, it’s common to enter into panic mode when you’re made redundant. For some, this results in a flurry of activity that isn’t thought through and others simply freeze and have no idea how to bounce back.
Take a breath and make a plan for what you need to do for the coming weeks and months. You may need to think about making financial or and legal arrangements, where you can get additional support and where you can utilise your network.
When you’re made redundant, one of the first things you should do is check your contract and the company’s redundancy policy. ACAS is also a great resource for you to check your rights during redundancy. If you know your rights and what you are entitled to, you can ensure everything is handled fairly and correctly.
It’s worth trying to negotiate with your employer to see if you can get a little extra from them. This could include a month’s extra pay, being able to keep your company laptop or a bigger redundancy payout. Companies will want to ensure a smooth exit, which may make them more willing to negotiate.
It’s natural to feel hurt and take it personally when you are made redundant. It’s not an easy process to go through, but it’s important to remember that it is a business decision that so many businesses are having to make given the current climate.
When it comes to talking about your redundancy in future interviews, be sure to talk about it as a tough business decision and don’t place any personal blame or criticism on individuals.
If possible, you shouldn’t burn bridges with your previous employer even if you feel bitter about the way your redundancy has been handled. You’ll want them to provide a good reference for your next role and you never know when your manager or current colleagues will be able to help you in the future.
You need to create a realistic picture of your finances for the next few months and figure out a plan for how you will manage cash flow. You can also find out what financial help you are entitled to by contacting Jobcentre Plus.
It’s important to not rush into applying for any old jobs that come up even if they aren’t the most suitable. Take the time to establish what you have to offer, what you want to do next and what employers want.
The pandemic has affected industries in different ways, so figure out which sectors are doing well and can offer you stability going forward. You should also talk to your business contacts to find out more about what is happening and where there may be opportunities for you.
Consider if there’s any additional professional development you can be doing to ensure you are effectively competing in the current job market. There are tons of courses and webinars you can find online that you can participate in from home. Some of them are completely free too.
Redundancy is almost always a challenging and unsettling time. However, it’s also an opportunity for you to assess where you are at and what you want in the future. When you come out the other side, you may well find yourself in a better place with a happier working life. Just stay positive and push forward with your plans and you will land on your feet!